Watch Jamstack virtual conference SEO presentation

May Issue - If you’re curious about the Jamstack, static sites, SEO, or modern web development in general, I think you’ll enjoy this!

• 436 words

• By Scott Mathson

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I’m coming off the rush from a YouTube live appearance I did at VirtuaCon yesterday! VirtuaCon is an online web-focused event organized by SALT - a UK-based technical SEO agency. Thanks to Dan Taylor for the invite, I really enjoyed tuning into other sessions and sharing my part.

The video replay has been published, so I wrote a short blog post that includes my presentation’s slideshow, the video, and more information, specifically around the accompanying search-optimized Jekyll boilerplate repository I created for this SEO on the Jamstack talk.

The presentation is split 50-50 into a) slideshow and b) live demo, with the main focus being to go over the benefits of static sites, alongside showing how you can create and deploy them in mere minutes (with Jekyll + Netlify or Cloudflare + GitHub Pages).

So, if you’re curious about the Jamstack, static sites, SEO, or modern web development in general, I think you’ll enjoy this! Again, I really appreciated the invite to present at this virtual conference and look forward to their next one!

SEO on the Jamstack slides by Scott Mathson

Cloudflare’s DNS Content Hub - Part 1: SEO (8.0K keywords) dives into how Cloudflare ranks for nearly 8,000 highly searched keywords in the span of 32 webpages. Part 2 focuses on what their strategy actually returns in the form of organic traffic, backlinks, and more.


Worth a look: I was really excited to learn that Headspace, a meditation app, has launched a podcast. These 3-5 minute short, daily episodes are well worth the listen, in my opinion. Check it out!

Have a great weekend and be well, friends!

-Scott Mathson

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